Tuesday, January 12, 2010


What is the problem in the practice of Management ? In modern times the practice of management is beset with many uncertainities and problems and the world seems to be re-inventing itself. The large scale manufacturing of yesteryears has given rise to large supply chains creating problems of management.

Note that Innovation and marketing were seen as the two key drivers of business-innovation is slow but sure and marketing is fast but ephemeral. Both strategies worked and societies that never understood the significance of innovation became marginalised. Marketing by itself is a western phenomena and today has hit a peak and looks befuddled. What is happenning in the world today. Marketing strategies of yester years simply dont work and have become redundant if organizations are unable to commit value. Moreover the growth of internet and mobile technologies has made marketing a cost effective and level playing ground for the world at large. Marketing is loosing ground because of its present day ubiquitous nature.

The growth of operations has made operations the focus of organizations.
The fact that companies continue still to spend more time on their marketing as against operations is the reason for organizational sustenance becoming increasingly uncertain.
For long the concept of "Management by Objectives" had its sway on managerial thinking. How hackneyed it has become today. To my opinion MBO was both successful and unsuccessful in the way management and the people associated with management understood it. Today, even management is becoming professionalized with rampant managerial education becoming ubiquitous. Somewhere MBO's gradually degraded to MBT meaning Management by Targets and in most situations tye wrong objectives.

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